Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Top Three Main Methods Affiliate Marketers Must Do To Be Successful!

Most Affiliate Marketers are constantly looking for successful markets that give them the largest paycheck, and the best ways to make that happen. There are those who think there is a magic formula that they can find if they look in just the right place. In truth, there is indeed a formula, but it’s not magic. It just comes down to making good marketing decisions and following proven practices and tactics that have worked for others over the years. Hard work and dedication have shown to be the most effective methods in producing excellent results. Indeed, why re-invent the wheel when all of the "heavy lifting" has already been done for you?

There are three affiliate marketing tips that have been proven and that you will be able to use to very effectively increase your sales and thrive in affiliate marketing online.

These three main methods are:

Method1. You have to use a unique web page to promote each individual product you are marketing. You do not want to lump all of them together on one page just to save some web hosting costs. It really is better to have one page focusing on each and every product by themselves. This is a critical mistake many marketers make. If you have more than two items for sale on one page, the potential buyer can get overwhelmed and confused pretty quickly. By putting just one item per page, they have no choice but to focus on that item. This makes it much easier for them to make a decision. You can get away with having two items on one page if they are fairly similar in nature or content, but having just one works the best. 

Along with the product description, you want to always include at least one product review on the website so your visitors will have a full understanding of what the product can do for them. It is also a great idea to include testimonials from actual customers who have already tried the product/service. You want to make sure that these customers are willing to let you use their names and photos on the page of each product you are marketing, so get permission from them first.

Be sure to make the pages attractive and compelling and include "calls to action" on the information/product. Every headline should attract the readers to read more of the page, or even to contact you for more information. Highlight the products "special points". Give your readers as much information as possible to help them learn what the product is about, but leave some out so that they will want to find out more.

Method 2. A great way to help attract buyers is to offer free reports along with the product, or even for just their name and email address, and use great autoresponder messages. Whenever possible, try to position the "free report" option at the very top of the webpage at the left side, so that they cannot be missed. Studies show that people scan web pages from the top down and from left to right, so the upper left is usually the first thing they see. Always create a warm and welcoming autoresponder message that will be immediately emailed to whoever gives you their personal information through your opt-in box. According to very valid research, a sale is closed usually around the seventh contact with a new customer/prospect. The more personal you make each contact, the more likely the customer will purchase from you, even if the product is available from someone else. My personal experience is that I buy faster from people who reply to my emails and who genuinely want to help me. As for autoresponders, you can pay a monthly fee to one of the big name companies, or you can do what I did and get your own desktop autoresponder that you control every aspect of. I have a lot more peace of mind knowing that I have complete control over when and how my emails go out.

With the web page alone, there are only two things that can possibly happen: you will get a sale or the prospect will leave the page and possibly never return again. By giving them useful information in their inboxes at certain intervals, you are reminding them of the product they thought they might want later and it will keep you, your site and the product(s) fresh in their minds. You want to be sure that the content is directed toward the actual and specific reasons to buy the product. One thing you don't want to do is make it sound like a sales pitch.

Instead, focus on the important points. For instance, show them how your product can make their life and working on-line easier and more enjoyable. Make sure to use compelling subject lines in each email. Try to avoid using the word "free" as much as possible, because there are plenty of spam filters out there that will dump that kind of content into the junk folder before anyone even reads them. Plus, using the typical disguises for these words, like "F*R_E_E" to avoid the spam filters just look terrible. I for one delete those immediately, as I know they are trying to "sell" me something. You want to use your autoresponder emails to convince those who have signed up for your newsletter/free reports that they will be missing out on something big if they don't take advantage of your products and services, but do it without looking like your "selling" something to them. The more a person thinks it's their decision to buy; the more likely they will buy right away.

Method 3. Now let's talk about what is probably the most important item. Traffic. More to the point, traffic that brings in customers. And not just any customers; you want to get the kind of targeted traffic to your product that will be more than likely to buy what you are selling. Look at it like this, if the person who visits your website has zero interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be the first ones to hit the back button and move on, never to come back. How do you get this good, targeted traffic? Writing articles for e-zines, article sites and e-reports is a great method. This way you can find publications and article sites that are much more focused toward your target customers and what you have available might just grab their interest.

If you can write a minimum of two articles every week, with a minimum of 300-600 words in length, you will get a lot more attention and more focused traffic. By maintaining articles and writing continuously every week, these articles can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day. One thing to remember is that generally only 1 out of 100 people who visit your site are likely to buy your product or services. Once you can generate as many as 1,000 targeted traffic hits to your website a day, you can comfortably guesstimate that you will make 10 sales from that traffic, based on average statistics.

The methods given above are not really very difficult to do at all, if you think about it. They do require a little bit of your time, effort and an action plan on your part to insure success. Use these tips for all of your affiliate marketing products, and you will end up with a good source of steady income and make your way easily in this business.

To your continued prosperity!

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